The EUDiCRI project [ERASMUS-JMO-2022-MODULE, 101085622] is lead by a group of scholars from the University of Piemonte Orientale – Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (DiGSPES) and Department of Science and Technological Innovation (DISIT). The purpose of the project is to raise awareness about the use of digital technologies – and in particular, AI and biometrics – by law enforcement authorities, in the field of criminal investigations and promote the knowledge of the EU law regulating the subject.
The 2024 Summer school program can be downloaded from the school section of this website. Registrations will close on July 10th, 2024.
The school will be open to qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates, based on cv and a motivation letter.
Master Students, Ph.D. students, Post-Docs, young researchers (both academic and industrial), senior researchers (both academic and industrial) or academic/industrial professionals are encouraged to apply (a confirmation email will be sent to you).
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1st-6th September 2025
The program will be released soon